Runner’s Knee

Runner’s Knee

What is Runner’s Knee?
Runner’s knee is an umbrella term that describes certain conditions related to the kneecap (the patella). Runner’s knee can refer to chondromalacia patella, anterior knee pain syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, and patellofemoral malalignment. The condition is most commonly seen in middle aged women and overweight individuals.

While runner’s knee conditions are generally a result of running, they can be caused by any activity that involves repetitive stress on the knee joint. This includes sports, cycling, walking, jumping, skiing, and more.

Runner’s Knee Symptoms
Runner’s knee symptoms generally revolve around a dull pain around the kneecap area. Patients with runner’s knee experience pain during activities such as:

– Running
– Walking
– Standing up or sitting down for long periods
– Going up or down stairs
– Kneeling
– Squatting

Symptoms may also include grinding or popping sounds and sensations around the kneecap, as well as abnormal swelling after physical activity.

Runner’s Knee Causes
Runner’s knee pain can be traced back to the soft tissues, cartilage, and tendons around the knee. These can become strained, worn out, or torn from overuse, accidents, or other conditions. Conditions and injuries that can lead to runner’s knee include:

– Arthritis
– Flat feet
– Kneecap trauma or misalignment
– Stressed thigh muscles
– Overuse
– Fractured kneecap
– Lack of stretching

How is Runner’s Knee treated?
Runner’s knee can be treated without surgery. Rest, cold therapy, compression, and leg elevation are all key treatment methods for runner’s knee.