Shoulder Dislocation Injury

Shoulder Dislocation Injury

What is a Shoulder Dislocation Injury?
A shoulder dislocation injury or a dislocated shoulder occurs when the humeral head, the rounded upper arm bone, is pushed from the shoulder’s socket. This is a painful injury that requires medical expertise to force the humeral head back into the shoulder’s socket.

There are different ways a shoulder can dislocate, and this depends on the direction of the dislocation. An individual can experience an anterior dislocation (forward), a poster dislocation (back), or an inferior dislocation (downward).

Shoulder Dislocation Injury Symptoms
– Popping and Rolling Sensations: After the dislocation, an individual may feel rolling or popping sensations around the shoulder.
– Muscle Spasms: Muscle spasms generally follow a shoulder dislocation, adding to the severe pain in the upper arm area. Movement can worsen this pain, and a patient will require medication before the shoulder can be forced back into place.
– Numbness and Swelling: Numbness will be felt down the arm to the fingers, with some experiencing a “pins and needles” sensation. There will also be swelling and bruising in the affected area.

Shoulder Dislocation Injury Causes
Shoulder dislocations are most commonly caused by traumatic events directly to the shoulder, such as a blow or a fall during sports. Car accidents and seizures can also lead to dislocated shoulders. These are most common amongst teenage boys and men in their early 20s, as they are those typically engaged in intense physical activity.

How is a Shoulder Dislocation Injury treated?
Shoulder dislocation injury is treated by forcing the joint of the shoulder back into the socket. It is highly recommended to have a medical professional perform this task, which is known as reduction. Generally, reduction should take just 10-15 minutes.