Subacromial Bursitis

Subacromial Bursitis

What is Subacromial Bursitis?
Subacromial bursitis, or more commonly known as shoulder bursitis, is the condition that describes the inflammation of a fluid-filled sac in the shoulder, the bursa. Bursa are generally found at friction points between soft tissue and bones. These can become inflamed from overuse, injuries, or conditions like rheumatoid arthritis that increase joint inflammation.

Subacromial Bursitis Symptoms
When the shoulder bursa becomes inflamed, the cushions between tendons and bones in your shoulder become too swollen for their space, leading to rubbing and unnecessary pressure. This leads to symptoms such as:

– Pain when rotating the arm
– Pain when pressing against the shoulder
– Pain when lifting the arm sideways
– Pain when lying on the arm or shoulder

Subacromial Bursitis Causes
Subacromial bursitis can be caused by either repeated minor stress to the shoulder or a single intense traumatic blow, like a heavy fall or motor vehicle accident.

Individuals who usually involve their shoulders in their work and daily activities are more susceptible to subacromial bursitis. These include:

– Athletes
– Musicians
– Gardeners
– Carpenters
– Laborers

How is Subacromial Bursitis treated?
As subacromial bursitis is simply an issue of inflammation, nonsurgical treatment methods are enough to let it heal. Rest, ice packs, shoulder braces, and gentle stretching exercises can sufficiently heal bursitis. If necessary, physical therapy can assist in completing or accelerating recovery.