What is Osteitis Pubis?
The hip is made up of three bones, one of which is the pubic bone. The pubic symphysis is the cartilage joint where the pubic bones connect, and when the muscles surrounding this joint experience inflammation, this condition is known as osteitis pubis. This leads to pain in the lower belly and the groin, or generally along the frontside of the pubic bones.
Osteitis Pubis Symptoms
The most common symptom individuals with osteitis pubis experience is a deep, aching pain in the lower belly and groin area. Some report a sensation of tenderness or shocking pain when the pelvis area is pressed.
Osteitis pubis pain is also known for gradually worsening. While it may be bearable to begin with, it can soon become a constant source of extreme pain that can make it difficult to walk or stand without support.
Osteitis Pubis Causes
Most common amongst physically active individuals such as athletes and laborers, osteitis pubis is a result of repetitive force against the pubic symphysis. Movements such as kicking, jumping, and running help to increase the stress against this joint.
Women who have given birth may also develop osteitis pubis, as an extended period of labor can stress the pelvis muscles and trigger inflammation.
How is Osteitis Pubis treated?
Rest is the simplest way to treat osteitis pubis, as this condition is a result of inflammation from overdoing a certain physical movement. Individuals with osteitis pubis are recommended to rest at least two weeks to let the inflammation fully disperse.
In more extreme cases or to accelerate recovery, physical therapy can help to strengthen the surrounding muscles of the pubic symphysis. Not only does this make the condition heal quicker, but it also prevents recurring issues from developing. However, make sure not to engage in these activities if moving still triggers pain.