Pulled Muscle

Pulled Muscle

What is a Pulled Muscle?
A pulled muscle, also known as a muscle strain, is the injury that refers to a muscle becoming torn or overstretched. Pulled muscles are a result of improper use, overuse, or exhaustion, and they most commonly occur in the hamstring, shoulder, neck, and back. Pulled muscles can result in limited range of motion and mild to moderate pain.

Pulled Muscle Symptoms
A pulled muscle is generally felt immediately. Symptoms of muscle strains include:

– Sudden shock of pain
– Weakness
– Stiffness
– Soreness
– Muscle spasms
– Discoloration
– The feeling of having knotted muscles

A pulled muscle can range from mild to severe – mild strains means the muscle is just slightly torn, and might still have the flexibility to move. However, severe strains are instances of the muscle becoming completely torn, leading to severe pain and limited motion.

Pulled Muscle Causes
Acute pulled muscles are a result of the unexpected tearing from muscles, which can occur during both rigorous physical activity and normal day-to-day activity. There are more cases of acute muscle strains during colder parts of the year, as the lower temperature naturally stiffens the body’s muscles. Acute pulled muscles can occur during:

– Jumping
– Walking
– Running
– Working out
– Slipping
– Lifting in awkward positions

Chronic pulled muscles are caused by repetitive and intense activity, such as sports or constant poor posture.

How is a Pulled Muscle treated?
It is highly recommended to properly warm up before mild to intense physical activity. This relaxes the muscles before you engage them, lowering the risk of tearing them. Muscle strains can be treated with rest, elevation, compression, ice, and physical therapy.