New Jersey CrossFit Recovery Exercises
Okay 17.3 is in the books and you probably woke up feeling very sore so on this video from Back & Body Medical what stretches and active motions you should do to recover faster so you can be ready for 17.4. Dr. Dave Perna here your chiropractor with Back & Body where we offer chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture and medical care servicing the people of the New York City area in Midtown, Manhattan as well as in Springfield, New Jersey on US Route 22 East. Servicing people of Union County in New Jersey including Milburn, Springfield, Cranford, Westfield, Garwood and Scotch Plains.
What we saw with this workup was some snatches and some chest to bar pull-ups. Depending on what kind of athlete you are, you probably had soreness in different areas. If you’re good with your own bodyweight and can handle chest to bar pull ups the chest to bar pull ups probably weren’t what left you sore. It was probably getting deep into the snatches from what I’m being told from those athletes low back and leg soreness. If chest to bar pull ups were your challenge then you’re going to deal with some upper back and lat soreness so we’re going to show you some effective active motions that’ll help with recovery for both those problems.
First exercise we’re going to do is a pull over, taking a resistant band putting it on a pull up bar, take the pipe you usually use to warm up your snatch grip and just pull down. Be careful that the resistance band is not too much where it would break the bar. You just want to enough to activate the lats as we see Doctor Clancy doing here.
Here we see alternate angles, you can see behind the scapulas moving and engaging those lats for a good active motion. The next exercise is a little bit tricky, it’s scapula depression in a pull up position you’re going to keep your arms straight as depress or pull down your scapulas by engaging your lats. If this is too difficult, you can use a rubber band to assist you just like you would in a normal pull up.
The next exercise is going to allow mobility to the thoracic spine which can be very tight from doing all of those snatches. As you can see you’re going to try to move and rotate through the thoracic spine. As you do this, you can move your hips back or forward to find that spot in the para-thoracic muscle that is tight.
The next exercise we’re going to do is going to work wonders for stretching out the low back. Just actively moving and sitting back on your heels as you push back. If the low back isn’t tight you can open up the knees and sit back and work on more of the inner thigh than the lower back in a similar position.
The next movements are going to work with active recovery of the legs. These are just the spider man position. We’re going to do them fairly quickly to keep the heart rate up and let the muscles loosen up as you warm up the hips. The final active movement we’re going to do is to jump into a squat position.
Active Recovery in Springfield, NJ
This will help with either squat or snatch if you’re sore with nice active recovery. The key on this is to keep your chest nice and up right and push the knees out as you jump into the squat position. As we can see our physical therapist doing here. The final two movements we’re going to show you are more of a passive stretch you probably want to do these at the end of your workout.
This looks like more of a hurdle stretch but what you have to appreciate is Bacdi is pushing down on her knee to lock down the right side pelvis as she leans to the left, that would assist in stretching the muscles of the low back and here she is going to push down and lock down that left hip pelvis while leaning to the right. You have to do the angle just right and you’ll feel it stretch out those sore low back muscles from picking up the weights from snatch.
The next stretch I picked up from Jared Flemming, a well known Olympic weightlifter is this yoga position. It’s best to have a soft mat underneath you.
Both knee angles should be 90/90. What you’re doing is your locking down in this case her right pelvis with her left foot and then pushing down on that leg so you can stretch out the right side low back. Now she’s switching, she’s locking down her left pelvis as she leans to the right to stretch out her left low back.
Okay so there we have both active and passive movements to help with recovery from 17.3. In my opinion, you should do all your active movements first before you begin your workouts for today and follow up the end of your workouts with your coaches with the passive stretches to assist at the end of the workouts.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the section below and I will try to assist you with any clarifications. Other than that, good luck with your recovery this week and I will see you next week where we will be posting a similar video for the recovery techniques I recommend for 17.4.