Sciatica pain is something far too many people live with. For some, it comes and goes. For others, it’s a chronic condition which prevents them from walking even short distances, on an ongoing basis. But sciatica pain is treatable. You can manage and even eliminate it.
While your type of sciatica pain may indeed come and go, why suffer another minute with it? A lot of people who suffer from the pain of sciatica choose the “tough guy” route. That’s a mystery to us at Back & Body Medical, because we can help.
What is it and what can be done?
Sciatica is named for the largest nerve in the body. This nerve originates in the lower back and extends down the backs of the legs. When irritated, pain shoots down one or both, sometimes as far as the feet. The pain can be excruciating and debilitating, impacting quality of life.
Pinched nerves and disc herniation are the most common causes of sciatica, but inflammation from infection can also irritate the sciatic nerve. Pregnant women may also suffer from sciatica, during and after pregnancy.
Therapeutic responses can be anything from physical therapy to chiropractic, acupuncture, or a combination of these and other treatments.
Back & Body Medical.
Back & Body’s award-winning care model is now available here in New Jersey. We’re now offering effective sciatica pain treatment in Union, NJ, previously only available in Manhattan, NY. We’re an innovative, multi-disciplinarian clinic practicing care which draws on four distinct specializations – chiropractic, sports medicine, physical therapy and acupuncture.
Under all four specializations fall a diverse range of treatments. Your sciatica pain treatment in Union, NJ may draw on one or many of them. Every body is different. At Back & Body we take that to heart, so we construct personalized therapeutic plans that speak to each patient’s individual needs.
Effective sciatica pain treatment in Union, NJ.
What works for one person may not work for another. For some, there’s a silver therapeutic bullet. For others, the answer is more complex. That’s why the doctors and therapists at Back & Body believe so strongly in the power of a diverse clinical response.
Working together, we seek the best answer for your individual needs. By drawing on such a diversity of clinical services, we’re able to offer effective sciatica pain treatment in Union, NJ that’s world class. Our work has won awards because it’s effective.
If you’re toughing it out with sciatica pain, Back & Body can help. There’s no need to suffer one more day with it, whether it’s an intermittent problem or not. The team at Back & Body will find the right response, so you can get on with your life.
Back & Body’s award-winning model is now serving your community with multi-disciplinarian expertise. Don’t wait another day. Contact us.
Let’s talk about sciatica pain treatment in Union, NJ that’s effective because it’s tailored to your individual needs. We’re a team of doctors and therapists working for patient-centered solutions that work for you.