Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese discipline which has gained an enormous following in the Western World in recent decades. Using ultra-fine needles, acupuncture draws on a roadmap of the human body developed over millennia, providing access to all its crucial systems.
While many are skeptical about its efficacy, acupuncture has helped millions of people all over the world. The needles used aren’t the kind we feared as children. They’re extremely fine and inserted in points on the body which help to alleviate a wide variety of ailments, from migraines to musculoskeletal pain.
At Back & Body Medical, we’re a group of diversified specialists, whose mission is to relieve pain. Acupuncture is only one of the many treatments we extend to patients. Like all the other therapies we offer, we know acupuncture is effective. And that’s an important part of our clinical philosophy – we use only treatments which have been proven effective by research.
Acupuncture in Chatham, NJ.
Every human body is based on a common model. We’re all put together based on the same blueprint, but that blueprint is endlessly diverse, varying from person to person.
Human physiological uniqueness demands therapeutic responses which honor the singular nature of each human body and tailors treatment to individual need. That kind of multi-disciplinarian care is now available in your community, at Back & Body Medical.
Our model of diversified care has won awards. Back & Body’s Manhattan clinic is renowned for an approach that draws on four distinct disciplines, including acupuncture. From the practices of sports medicine, chiropractic, and physical therapy, our clinicians draw on an array of therapeutic responses that support clinical acupuncture in Chatham, NJ in an environment of diversified care.
Dr. Kristina Kinch, LAC
Acupuncture is a clinically proven treatment which has been practiced for thousands of years. Our clinic’s specialist is Dr. Kristina Kinch.
With an MA in acupuncture, Dr. Kinch employs three styles of acupuncture therapy to address pain – traditional Chinese, Japanese and APM (Acupuncture Physical Medicine, which focuses specifically on the muscles).
Dr. Kinch shares Back & Body’s philosophy of integrated care, combining varied models to arrive at the ideal response to each patient’s need. She’s dedicated to the relief of pain, deploying her clinical specialization in concert with that of other team members.
Acupuncture may be precisely the response your condition requires, but because of the diversity of our practice, you’ll find all the care you need in one place. You won’t have to run all over town, seeking relief. That good news for pain sufferers.
Acupuncture in Chatham, NJ in a multi-disciplinarian care model.
We’ve encountered an exceptional demand for acupuncture in Chatham, NJ, so we’re glad to be serving this community. With the Back & Body team developing your treatment plan, you’ll find pain relief in an environment that supports your full recovery.
Back & Body is committed to innovative responses to pain. Your wellbeing is our business. We offer acupuncture in Chatham, NJ that works because it’s supported by a diverse, leading edge approach.
Contact us. Let’s discuss how acupuncture can help you.