We see many dancers in our offices, particularly pro dancers in New York City (naturally with Broadway and everything), but we see our fair share here too in Springfield. One thing we have noticed in common with all dancers, pro and amateur alike is that many suffer from low back pain. This begs the question, does dancing cause your low back to hurt?
In looking at a publication a couple of years ago in Physical Therapy in Sport, November 2017 edition, a survey of some 119 pro dancers were studied with this question in mind, do they suffer from low back pain?
Of this sample study group, around 52% said they suffered in some way with low back pain which did limit their amount of activities. A further 24% complained of chronic low back pain which was obviously a major hindrance to their dancing.
The study therefore concluded that dancers can experience a high risk of developing low back pain.
We here at Back and Body Springfield certainly agree with those results. As stated above, we see many dancers, professional and amateur and many have been suffering with low back pain. Fortunately, we have the treatments and experience to be able to treat those dancers to get them back up and performing again.
We are able to reduce the pain and get them more functional again. And on a maintenance level (where the dancer isn’t suffering any pain at all, but is merely coming in for physical therapy or chiropractic care), we have been able to effect that dancer so much that their range of motion actually improves beyond what they had been able to do prior.
Furthermore we are able to provide correctional exercises to further overcome muscle imbalance to further their performance.
If you are a dancer and have been experiencing low back pain, we can certainly help. Give us a call and let us see what we can do for you. Furthermore, let us help you move to the next level.
If you have any questions on our treatment options in Springfield, please contact us, we would be happy to help you and see what we can do for you.
In pain? Want a tune up? Call us today (908) 325 – 3000. We can treat and help you.