A hip pain examination will of course include a thorough examination of the hip, but it will also expand beyond just the hip area. Doctors of chiropractic examine the whole body, because there could be other locations in the body which could be causing the pain that is in the hip. Anything which affects normal locomotion could lead to compensatory changes or abnormal motion in the hip joint. The inflammation therefore causes the hip pain. This can also happen in the foot, which we will be discussing today.
Plantar fasciitis is obviously a cause of heel pain, but did you know that it can also affect the hip? The thick band of tissue (located on the bottom of the foot) becomes inflamed, which causes it. The condition may cause stabbing pain that occurs with initial weight bearing, like when first standing on your feet in the morning. Most times, the pain improves after taking some steps, but can worsen after standing or activity.
The medial longitudinal arch of the foot’s function is to absorb shock and to add “spring” to steps. The arch flattens in the mid-stance phase of gait, and this stretches the plantar fascia. If there is stress and tension that exceeds the tissue’s threshold, these micro-tears cause inflammation of the fascia which creates pain. Since the foot and hip are connected, this can lead to hip pain. This is why it is important to check the entire bosy rather than just the area in which the patient is feeling pain.
Risk factors for PF include but are not limited to:
Aging, stressful exercise (running, ballet dancing, aerobic dance), altered arches in the feet (flat feet, high arch), obesity, and prolonged standing.
A doctor of chiropractic will review the patient’s full history and perform an examination. The use of conservative treatment approaches such as manual therapies, Graston technique, stretching exercises, prescription foot orthotics with pronation correction, modalities, and dorsiflexion night splint may be used to help treat PF.
Feel free to contact us to receive more information on these treatment techniques.