Charlie Horses & How to Avoid Them
Charlie horses or a muscle cramp is a common pain that almost everyone has had. Springfield Therapist wants you to know that about 50 percent of adults over the age of 50 suffer from night cramps. Chiropractors are often asked where they come from and how to get rid of them.
Exercise is the most common cause of the cramps (exercise-associated muscle cramps). EAMCs are common most in professional athletes, but the actual cause still remains a mystery. This makes the treatment based on anecdotal studies rather than scientific evidence.
Studies done between 1955 and 2008 came to the conclusion that the two most discussed theories for the cause are dehydration/ the resulting electrolyte imbalance/depletion, and neuromuscular causes. The authors concluded that the actual cause is due to several factors. Basically, EAMC is caused by multiple factors, which makes treatment incredibly hard.
Springfield therapist recommends to apply a static stretch to the muscle and use any medical history findings to determine if any predisposing conditions exist that could cause EAMC. Focus on fluid and electrolyte balance and neuromuscular training.
There are some physical problems that could increase the muscle cramps. These include: conditions affecting the endocrine system (hormonal imbalance), the metabolic system (loss of fluids and electrolytes), and/or the neurological system. The most frequent cramping areas are the calf, quadriceps, and thighs.
By conducting a history and physical exam of the patient, unique treatment for every orient can be done to help EAMC. Springfield Therapist suggests it could also be helpful to do a nutritional assessment, and look at a patient’s medications. Both could be the cause of the cramps.
There are also some natural remedies that Springfield Therapist recommends. These are: a mineral/electrolyte replacement such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, anti-inflammatory nutritional care like ginger and turmeric and/or muscle relaxers like valerian root, Cassia oil and capsaicin.
In pain? Call today (908) 325 – 3000. Let us help you to relief.