Physical therapy is a core treatment here at Back and Body Pain Relief in Springfield to helping patients out of pain and return to fitness.
We treat patients in house and then teach them specific exercises for their condition for them to perform in their own time at home. The in home exercises and stretches are every bit as important as the treatments received in the practice as the two combine to form the overall treatment plan.
We focus on four main areas of physical therapy, namely sports, occupational, hand therapy and injury prevention. We understand how vital all aspects of your life and well being are and we design our therapies based on your needs and your condition. Moreover, as treatment progresses, depending on how you are doing, we may even make modifications to your treatment program as we see fit. Our aim is always to help you back to full fitness and a pain free life.
You can see the full treatment options we provide by visiting our physical therapy treatment page.
Our main aims with you and physical therapy are:
We will examine you, get any necessary X-rays, or other scans, MRI etc as necessary. We will discuss your issues to fully understand what is going on and learn where you want to get to.
Will will then collaborate with our staff to put together a comprehensive treatment plan specifically for you and your needs. It may include other treatment options we have available in our practice including chiropractic, cold laser therapy, medical massage or more. Often more than one treatment option can accelerate healing, getting you out of pain and back towards fitness.
We normally provide homework for you to take home and exercise and stretch in your own time to help with your rehab. We provide detailed instruction in our practice and measure you when you come back for your next treatment. This way we can establish how effective treatments are and adjust accordingly.
Ideal Potential Health
Once treatments have been completed we can then evaluate how the whole process has been and see the benefits of the therapy.
The benefits of physical therapy may even be enough to prevent surgery in extreme cases and it is certainly something that should be tried prior to making a decision in that regard. It is great for pain relief, improved mobility, learning proper posture and much more.
If you are in pain, do not delay. Schedule an appointment and come in and see us. We can help you.